
Become a Reseller: MAGWAI Reef Safe Sunscreen and Shampoo Bars

It is everyone’s responsibility to make sure that the beauty of the ocean is protected for years and generations to come. Become guardians of the Philippines’ coral reefs by offering your customers a reef-safe and 100% natural alternative to their sunscreen and plastic-free shampoo bars. This way, everyone can continue to marvel at the beauty and colors of the ocean without causing harm to them.

Our Partners

These are just some of the resorts and specialty stores who share the same vision of protecting the Philippines’ corals.

Enjoy our Introductory Reseller Promo

We made it even easier for you to have MAGWAI Reef-safe Sunscreen in your own shop! For a limited time, we are offering introductory rates and terms exclusive to new retail partners for our Reef-Safe Sunscreen. Contact us now to enjoy this limited offer.

Why Partner with Us

Here at MAGWAI, we care not just about keeping harmful chemical out of the ocean but also making sure that plastic waste is kept out of the water. Every partner will have the opportunity to become a drop off point for customers to bring back their used and empty tubes of MAGWAI, and we’ll take care of collecting the empty tubes and recycling them.
Please include information about your shop, the MAGWAI products you are interested in, and your preferred method of contact. Thank you.